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Delicious Food

I'm a skinny guy who's always hungry, so having lots of food on hand is pretty important to my happiness. Given the sheer indiscriminate quantity of food I need to consume, I'm not a picky eater... so you gonna eat those fries?

On the other hand, having a bit of delicious food on hand to cut the monotony of feedbag staples goes a long way. Instead of making pemmican, the consumption of which has been compared to eating bacon-flavored candles, I've included things I consider to be portable delicacies: sardines, herring, dry salami from Molinari's in North Beach, and high-quality Parmesan cheese.

I'm also taking retort food to help complete the dinner meal. Retort food is essentially a complete dish that's been stuffed into a pouch, which is then cooked so that the contents are sterile. Indian food is the most common to find in retort pouches at grocery stores, but cities with upper-crust grocery stores like Trader Joe's will have other stuff. Retort food tastes normal and I hope it takes hold in US markets. Next, shelf-stable milk in bags!

If I take most of the things on this list and eat a single serving of each, it adds up roughly to my minimum required daily intake of food (2500 calories). I am carrying about 4 days worth of food.

Type Item Serving Size Servings Calories/Serving Total Calories
Snack Dried Cranberries ¼ cup 4 100 400

Almonds ½ cup 4 360 1440

Cashews ½ cup 4 340 1360

Clif Bar (Cherry Almond) 1 bar 5 240 1200

Breakfast Quick Oats ½ cup 4 140 560

Quaker Granola ½ cup 4 200 800

Almond Meal ¼ cup 4 180 720

Lunch Molinari Dry Salami 2 oz 8 220 1760

Parmesan Cheese 2 oz 4 220 880

Sardines 1 can 1 180 180

Herring 1 can 1 330 330

Dinner White Rice ½ cup 2 480 960

Couscous ½ cup 2 325 650

Retort Food
2 300 600

Other Olive oil 1 oz 8 250 2000



Drinks Instant Coffee*

Tequila, Gran Centenario Reposado

Agave Nectar

* Tastes like roast butthole, how can people drink this crap? Need to replace with some tea.

Here is roughly how I have the staples packed; about 8 days of basic provisions are pictured. To cut weight I settled on 4 days.

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