Since I heard the news I hadn't found the surplus of thought or feeling necessary to make a meaningful story out the things I see or hear on the road. I can say I visited Mt Saint Helens, camped in Tillamook State Forest, camped at the edge of the Olympic National Forest, went riding on some fairly challenging muddy and rooted Washington singletrack at an OHV park outside Bellingham, and camped at Bay View Park near Burlington, WA.
The 4th of July was a bit of a psychological turning point. I took the ferry onto the Olympic Peninsula and rode through the Olympic National Forest to Neah Bay, WA. I set up camp at Hobuck Beach on the Makah Indian Reservation. Taking a cue from the locals, I drag raced my WR250R up and down the beach and finished off a bottle of wine. The fireworks went off long into the night, bright and brilliant against the star-littered sky.
Sailing out from Port Angeles to Victoria, BC, Canada in an hour.
Sorry for your loss.. may peace of mind come upon you quick! Ride.